I thought I'd share a "few" pictures from Glade's birthday celebration. Well, when I tried to find them on my computer I noticed they were all gone! ALL the videos and ALL the pictures we took on his birthday were gone. After feeling depressed for a few hours I decided we'd just do it again. Afterall, he doesn't know the difference!
So here are pictures from Round Two of Glade's Birthday (second cake, second hat, second song, luckily I saved the banner)! I still need to take more pictures of him with his presents. We got him a bike and a puppy (thankfully one that only barks when batteries are inserted and never poops on the carpet)...what more could a little boy want?! I was surprised how much this little boy LOVES his new bike. I thought his older brother would get most of the enjoyment out of it but boy was I wrong. Glade has never had a hard time sharing until said bike came around. Although he cannot climb onto it himself he will crawl over to it, pull up on it and whine until he is helped in it, at which point he will squeal with glee! He has even been known to fall asleep on the bike and still put up a fuss when he was taken off. I suppose we did a good job picking his gifts! As for the puppy, Jimmy thinks it's his baby and carries it everywhere (I believe he got his love of animals from his Aunt Renae).
The first cake was vanilla and he loved it. I think he was upset because I made a chocolate one next! :)