Monday, May 05, 2008

Boob on a Tube

I have been trying to get Glade to take a bottle. I've tried practically EVERY bottle out there and he just refuses to take them. Saturday I bought this bottle that looks and feels like a boob! Well even this is not fooling him. He knows what he likes and this is not it. So I need help...

Have any of you had good luck with certain bottles? What are the tricks to getting a breastfed baby to take a bottle? I've tried having other people give it to him, different bottles, different locations, sippy cups...nada works. I don't want to stop nursing. I just want to be able to leave him for longer than 3-4 hours.

Oh and here's the exciting sidenote...Jarom is going on a business trip to the Netherlands and I get to go. We're leaving some time the week of the 19th...THIS MONTH! I've already applied for a passport for Glade in case he keeps refusing the bottle, but I would really rather leave him here. Just picturing a 24 hour flight with a baby gives me a headache!

(The small one looks even more life-like!)


the speers said...

all i have to say is THE NETHERLANDS??!!!!! how freaken awesome is that!! oh, and don't stress about your passport, chris got his seriously like 2 weeks after he applied! I'm so excited for you!! and...i have no tips on the bottle thing, although the boob in a bottle is pretty awesome!! after caden was 2 months he wanted nothing to do with a bottle--although i did offer it to him once with juice in it and he chugged was juice!! he still won't even play with a bottle. but, keep trying. if he gets hungry enough he'll eat! babies won't starve themselves! so, if you do decide to leave him it'll be hard and he might cry a lot cus he's hungry, but he'll eventually eat! isn't that comforting?! i can't wait to hear more details about your trip!! how exciting!!!

Emma said...

Will you pack a suitcase big enough for me to fit in? PLEEEEEEASE!!!! I am totally jealous, I will probably never require a passport beacause I "love" staying in Utah, all the time. Sarcasm? None! Sorry about the boob thing, no fun. My kids never cared as long as they were fed. But I completely agree with Chira. He will eat. It might take him a while but he will do it. I would leave him home if your lucky enough to have somebody willing to take on the challenge. Good Luck

Jessica said...

Hey Erika,

This is jessica cushing wing i was in your old ward in mapleton and i like to read you blog sometimes your kids are so cute!! So i just had to tell you, you don't need a passport for the babe. Just a birth certificate with suffice. Also with the bottle thing has your husband tried when you are not in the room? My son took it better when i was no where in sight.

I am a mother! said...

I would try leaving him with a babysitter for like 5 hours and see if he will get hungry enough or take it when he gets desperate. I doubt he would refuse too long if he was really hungry but the babysitter will probably have to endure lots of screaming. I have never been able to endure the screaming long enough to see if any of mine would take a bottle after they started refusing.

Karlene said...

My experience is that if they have no other options and you are not around, they will eventually eat. They might skip a meal, but they won't starve. But the person tending has to be prepared for the screaming and crying.

I used the Nuk nipples and they worked well switching back and forth. The boob bottle might be a good choice too because you don't want him to get so used to a regular bottle that he won't go back when you get home. It's a lot easier to food from a bottle and he might not want to work so hard after he's adjusted to it.

Anonymous said...

Erika! That is so exciting about going to the Netherlands!!! I am definitely jealous! Good luck with the bottle thing... I was never able to get either of my boys to take a bottle...ever. It was all mommy until they finally figured out a sippy cup at around 9 or 10 months. So I understand how hard it is to never have more than a few hours away from the baby. I hope you can figure something out!!!

Missy said...

Yeah for a vacation. Hopefully Glade will learn to like the bottle. Your kids are so cute. Cade wouldn't take a bottle either he fought it for along time. Eventually he gave in after hours of screaming and being starved to death.