Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Groei Echo

Today the little boys and I took a bus to have a groei echo done (growth ultrasound). One of my midwifes was a little concerned about the baby. She was measuring small so I was scheduled for a groei echo. I feel this little girl move all the time and wasn't too worried, but more excited for the echo.

Everything looks really good. She is measuring right in the normal range. She is approximately 2 kg right now (4 lbs 7 oz). I wanted to get a good look at her little face and maybe take home a snapshot, but her head is too far down to get a good shot.

Jimmy enjoyed sitting right by me during the echo. He said a few funny things like:

"What is that in your belly?"
"That's not a head, it looks like a moon."
"Why is there fire in your tummy?"
"Uh oh, she has no eyes!" (We were looking at the top of the head!)

Our ride back on the bus was slightly intense. There was construction going on so the bus didn't stop at the normal stops. And keep in mind this is an area of town I have NEVER been in before. So on the way back, the bus stop I looked up online had no buses coming to it since there was construction all around it. I had to wander around hoping to find another stop. I finally found one but it wasn't the right one so I braved it and asked the bus driver if he could help me. I felt bad asking because they have a schedule to follow and can't stop much or they get off the schedule that everyone is counting on. Anyway, he was very kind and even drove me to the right place so I could find my bus. Phew!

The bus ride was very bumpy. Probably partly because of the construction and the small roads and I'm sure it didn't help that Jimmy picked a seat in the very back! The boys were laughing and having a blast the whole ride home. They were so loud! But thankfully it was mostly happy noises. I'm relieved to be home now and of course relieved that the baby looks healthy.

Only 8.5 weeks left until D-Day! We'll see when this little one comes. Jimmy was almost 3 weeks early and Glade almost 4. I have a feeling she won't be early for some reason, but we'll see.


the speers said...

Yeae for her being healthy!!! Your boys are so cute and happy, i love it! K, and you're so cute! look at your budah!!! You look so much like your mom , its crazy!! luvs!

Katie said...

Are those salt and vinegar potato chips? Oh my, I must run out and buy some right now. I'm glad you have a healthy baby and that you made it home safe! I can't believe all the new experiences (and scary ones) you've been through in a new country. You're amazing!!

Rachel Q said...

You really are a cute pregnant lady. But you're cute even when you're not pregnant. That sounds so soon for you to be having her! I hope the time goes by sweetly. Love you!

Amber & Glenn Lovelace said...

Oh I miss you Erika! I wish you lived closer so our boys could play. YOu are looking so hot! You are one of the cutest pregnant woman I have seen. Lucky girl! The boys are growing so fast. Especially Glade! He is too cute! I am so excited for the baby to come. I wish I could come and see her there! Do you have any names picked out? We love you so much!