I was really excited to go to Haarlem. It is a really neat little town with many buildings dating back before the war.

First we stopped in this delicious bakery. We bought a bunch of different pastries and passed them around. My favorite was the hot cheese croissant. Oh wow, I really want one now!

Next we went to the Corrie ten Boom Museum. Have you read "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom? If not then I highly recommend it. It's about a Christian family that hides Jews in their house. The museum is the actual house they hid Jews in. Somebody turned the ten Boom family in and they were taken to jail and eventually to concentration camps. Corrie survived the camps but her family did not. She dedicated the rest of her life to teaching people about Christ. It was so neat to be able to visit the place I had read about and then imagine those events actually happening.

This is the room they hid the Jews in. They would climb in through the hole in the little closet (under that bottom shelf). The hole in the wall was later added just to give visitors of the museum a better look inside the hideout. They never did find the Jews hidden inside. A family member or friend let the Jews out several days after the ten Booms were arrested.

Me and my sisters on top of the roof of the ten Boom house.

Grote Kerk: where the ten Booms often worshipped

This organ inside the Grote Kerk was played by Mozart and Handel.

Dad and Lara

Typical rainy day
And here's Shelley entertaining the boys while we waited for our train.
We love Haarlem! We never went inside that church, looks pretty cool. Great pictures.
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